Kaunas (Lithuania) introduces reduced pollution zone in the Old Town

Kaunas City Council introduced a reduced pollution zone in the city’s Old Town. Cars entering the zone will be charged a two-euro fee as of August, 2024. A one-off fee of 2 euros for the cars entering the reduced pollution zone will apply from August 1 2024. It can be paid via parking apps, at the self-service of Parkavimas Kaunes or parking meters. After paying the two-euro toll, the first hour of parking in the Old Town will be free. Link to read more: https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/2272363/kaunas-introduces-reduced-pollution-zone-in-the-old-town Comments: What do you think about this new initiative of mobility in Kaunas? Do you think it is useful for city and citizens? Do you think more initiatives like this one will help to use less private cars? Let us know what you think in the comments!