Electric scooter - regulations Sweden

Electric scooters are a type of electric one-person vehicle and have spread quickly in several cities in the country. Here we describe what applies and give tips on what you should consider. This applies to electric scooters To find out which rules apply, you first need to be clear about what type of vehicle it is, i.e. which vehicle class it belongs to. An electric scooter can be classified as a bicycle provided it does not go faster than 20 km/h and has a continuous rated power of no more than 250 watts. If the electric scooter meets the requirements for a bicycle, the following applies: Electric scooters must be ridden in the same way as other bicycles. This means that you can drive on cycle paths and to some extent also on motorways. The electric scooter must have brakes and a bell (there are no requirements as to how it should look or sound). If you ride in the dark, the electric scooter must have front and rear lights and be equipped with reflectors. If the driver is younger than 15, a helmet is required, but we recommend that everyone who rides a bicycle wears a head protector. You may not ride someone on an electric scooter. Did you know all of these regulations? what do you think is missing?