Larnaca Sustainable Mobility Plan

The Larnaca Sustainable Mobility Plan will be implemented over the course of 18 months, beginning in January 2025, and is anticipated to cost a total of €18 million. The measures of the Larnaca SDS are organised in 10 thematic groups and include: Traffic management plans for urban centres in the study area. Review of public transport provision. Measures for pedestrians and initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of public space. Upgrading of cycle infrastructure, services and facilities. Parking management and related policies. Traffic calming and traffic safety programme. Policies that cater for the needs of specific groups. Intelligent transport systems and intelligent mobility systems. Urban freight transport. Coordinated and strategic planning of land use and transport policies. According to a statement from the Municipality of Larnaca, "as part of its efforts to improve daily living conditions and in addition to its efforts for a green city, it promotes sustainable and functional urban development." "The Sustainable Mobility Plan (SMP), a strategic plan that will contribute decisively to the implementation of the vision for the promotion of sustainable mobility, which will bring multiple benefits to the society of Larnaca, as well as to each individual citizen, is also part of this framework," said the statement. "Through the reconfiguration of the city's main axes, in the priority axes of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, the project aims to promote public transportation and develop multimodality in the transport interconnection of Larnaca's local cores." Source:
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