Low emission zone Kaunas

The interview with Martynas Matusevičius, Head of the Transport and Traffic Organisation Division of Kaunas City Municipality, Kaunas, Lithuania. The Kaunas City Council introduced a reduced pollution zone in the city's Old Town. The video talks about this initiative.
Greenmobility is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims at promoting the life-long learning dimension of higher education through a program on green urban mobility, focused on encouraging learning on environmental sustainability.
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Let’s keep moving sustainably and making our cities greener, one step at a time!
Gustas Bendikas
Nov. 4, 2024, 2:11 p.m.Dirbantiems senamiesty, brangu. Žmonių kelionės taps ilgesnės, taip išmesdamos dar daugiau CO2 dujų, nes važiuos aplinkui.